• Sunrise At: 6:47 AM
  • Sunset At: 6:40 PM

Visit Us

General Rules

Everyone is welcome to visit the Mosque. All visitors are requested to :

Respect the peace and prayer of worshippers inside the mosque.
Remove their shoes in certain specific areas around the mosque.
Keep food and drinks out of the mosque, except in areas that have been designated as eating areas.
Avoid bringing any animals into the mosque.
Keep the mosque’s building and courtyard clean by disposing of litter properly and safely.
Abide by the general rules of the mosque as displayed around the building.
Avoid smoking in the building and in the mosque’s courtyard.

Please note that we may discontinue any visit if we find any disrespectful or inappropriate behaviour and ask visitors to leave the building.

Modest Dress

All adult visitors and children above the age of 12 are requested to observe modest dress when visiting the mosque. Most aspects of a standard school uniform are quite appropriate as long as arms and legs are covered.
Female visitors may cover their heads to show respect to other worshippers or to enrich their own experience
Young children under the age of 12 are not considered to be adults and may dress as they do in school unless they wish to adopt any part of Muslim attire for the day (hats/scarves) to enliven their visit.


Visits to the mosque are free of charge. However, donations towards our services are always welcome and appreciated. We accept cheques and bank transfer. Please make them payable to Abuja National Mosque.

To make a donation, please click here

If you are a tour company and would like to visit the Mosque with a group, please complete the Tour form below to get registered. Individuals are not required to do so.

Tour form

    ABUJA NATIONAL MOSQUE - Copyright 2023.